The Riverside Local School District has been awarded a $40,000 School Safety and Security Grant from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. This grant award will go toward the purchase of additional security cameras and secure keycard systems.
The secure keycard systems will align with the District’s transition to employee identification badges. All staff members across the District will now wear employee identification badges that will allow them to enter buildings in place of physical keys. The badges are also used for printers, copy machines and time clocks. This allows the District to better track and monitor staff entering our buildings and access can easily be shut off at any time. The badges also display the employee’s photo so students, parents and visitors can properly identify the staff member.
The additional security cameras will be high definition external dome cameras and will provide better coverage around Riverside Campus, the Field House, the stadium, athletic fields and the Campus parking lot.
The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation School Safety and Security Grant Program assists Ohio employers with ensuring the safety of their staff who instruct children throughout the state. The program is available to eligible Ohio employers who wish to purchase equipment to substantially improve the safety and security of facilities, and to reduce or eliminate injuries or illnesses associated with providing educational services to children.
This is the second time the District has received this grant. Back in 2019, the District was also awarded $40,000, which was used to purchase bus cameras and radios.
As always, the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Implementation of these additional security cameras and secure keycard systems will help us continue to provide a safe environment for everyone in our District.