The Riverside Local School District has been awarded $400,000 total from the Ohio K-12 School Safety Grant Program. Buckeye Elementary, Melridge Elementary, LaMuth Middle School, and the Riverside Campus will each receive $100,000 to be used towards safety improvements. Parkside and Riverview Elementary Schools were not eligible for the grant.
The District has earmarked these safety grant funds to install new secure entrances at each of its legacy buildings. Each new entrance will include a secure vestibule between two sets of locked doors to ensure visitors are properly vetted before entering our schools. These new entrances will be designed using current best practices for school safety.
The District is currently under contract with ThenDesign Architecture (TDA) of Willoughby, Ohio for design services related to this project. Design is expected to be completed in the coming weeks with the goal of bidding the project out in the spring. Construction is anticipated to occur during the summer break with the goal of completing this project in time for the 2023-2024 school year.