Riverside Local Schools
Educating Excellence!

Discipline Policy

Discipline Plan for Mrs. Tinney’s Room

Behavior Management Plan for 5th Grade

The 4 P’s


In an effort to create a positive learning experience for your child and to ease the transition to middle school, the 5th grade team implements a management plan based on 4 expected behaviors.

All  5th grade classrooms will have the same four rules:






Students will be in their seat and ready to learn on time.


 3 points lost results in a call home and an after-school detention.


Students will bring the necessary materials with them to each class. Examples include: Paper, pencil, silent reading book, completed homework, etc.

3 points lost results in a call home and an after-school detention.


Students will display good citizenship. Examples include: Raising your hand in class to speak, being kind to classmates and adults, etc.

3 points lost results in a call home and an after-school detention.


Students will put forth honest effort towards their learning. Examples include: Staying on task, following directions, making good use of their time, etc. 

3 points lost results in a call home and an after-school detention.


This table refers to rule infractions and consequences in an individual classroom during one grading period. For example, a student can lose a prompt point in math and none in the other classes.

 The first infraction will result in a verbal warning. Further infractions will result in points lost.  For severe infractions a detention may be served immediately.

Every point lost will be documented including the date of the incident. Parents will be kept up to date by email or calls home.  If a student shows marked improvement in an area where they have previously lost points they can earn back lost points per teacher discretion on an individual basis.   

*Six documented incidents will involve teachers, parents, and the administrator


Students who positively and consistently model appropriate behaviors will be rewarded at the end of each grading period.